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Serving Others
We are networking with other business professionals to bring valuable goods and services to our customers and business associates. We are always looking to introduce our customers and business associates into mutually beneficial relationships. Let us know how we can serve you. Who would you like to be introduced to? Who would you like to meet? What types of professionals or businesses are best for you?

We can help you with developing good networking skills. If you are looking to develop a referral based business through word of mouth networking, we can offer excellent ideas. Our company has been active in several professional networking groups for the past 10 years. We can share our experiences and help you develop some good habits. The cost for you... FREE! Just call and make an appointment. 973-731-5530 ext. 23.

Join a Network Group
Last year, members of BUSINESS NETWORK INT'L. (BNI) passed thousands of referrals which generated millions of dollars worth of business for each other! BNI is a business and professional networking organization that allows only one person per profession to join a chapter.

Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of sales people working for you because all the other members carry several copies of your business cards around with them. When they meet someone new who could use your products or service, they hand your card out and recommend your services. It's as simple as that! It's simple because it's based on the proven concept of what goes around, comes around. If I help you, you'll help me and we will both benefit as a result.

Would you like to increase your business by 20%, 30%, 50% or as much as 100%? You can see results like this! Many have. Some participants have added as many as 50 new clients in the first 2 years!!! Successful businesses depend on word of mouth. Word-of-mouth advertising is the best advertising there is.

BNI provides a structured and supportive system of giving and receiving business. It does so by providing an environment in which you develop personal relationships with dozens of other qualified business professionals. By establishing this "formal" relationship with other people, you will have the opportunity to substantially increase your business.

The BNI motto "Givers Gain" is our mantra.